Where to Find Us Next + Some Reading Suggestions For the Future

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One of the most difficult petitions I’ve gotten since herald our closing was: can you suggest some lieu to read now that you’re leaving? So I reached out to our team to gather some recommendations, as well as share detailed information on where you can find them now that we’re closing. Design* Rinse was special because of this amazing team of columnists, so I hope you’ll follow them all at the links below( in addition to their suggestions of who else to follow) and continue to support them and their work as they taking forward, extremely. We have one more very big and very special post coming up today, so stay adjusted for that at 12. But until then, here are some wonderful places and parties that we all adoration and follow and hope members will, extremely. Because we are looking forward this upright will be a resource for anyone else out there looking for inspiring and meaningful layout content to follow, delight feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section, more! xo, Grace

Photo above from Cotton& Flax, by Laure Joliet, taken in Jessica Comingore‘s workspace

Grace Bonney is the founder of Design* Sponge

Grace’s Recommendations: These daylights I get most of my insight from feeds related to travel, nature, and up-and-coming photographers in different parts of the world. I share them on a regular basis on our Instagram feed, so be sure to follow us there( link below) for a weekly dose of policy recommendations( because I can’t fit all of my recommendations now ). Some of my favorites right now are 😛 TAGEND

CRWN Mag: Such an expertly curated feed of talented Black craftsmen, producers, decorators, and creatives around the world. Woodlucker: I reflect Ann’s work is stunning — and she is a lovely person to boot. Chandan Mahimkar: I affection Chandan’s exciting lettering. Jamie Okuma: Jamie is a talented creator and decorator and her feed, along with many others, have put in place me to a batch of incredible indigenous artisans various regions of the world. Morgan Harper Nichols: Inspiration+ incitement galore. Kate Blairstone: I desire Kate’s decoration and portrait exertion. It ever establishes me smile. Justina Blakeney: She is my guiding light in the design world. I feel like the community is always in good hands if Justina is nearby. Rebekah Taussig: I adoration Rebekah and all the beauty and faithfulnes she shares online. She is a voice to follow and buoy in and out of the design community. Shavonda Gardner: For all things inspiration and motif and dwelling and FUN. Shavonda is a must-follow for anyone looking for home content with nature behind it. Podcasts! Here some of my favorites: All My Relations, 99% Invisible , In the Thick, Code Switch, On Being, Tell Them I am, Where Should We Begin. Magazines! Here are some of my favourites: New Philosopher, Uppercase, Bitch, CRWN, Tom Tom, Frankie, Kazoo, World of Interiors

Where to Find Grace: I’ll still be sharing things on social media at our old-fashioned Design* Sponge feeds, so you can find me at @designsponge on Instagram( where I am most often ), Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. But hopefully you’ll consider me out in the world doing something away from a screen for a while. And I’ll still be on email at designsponge[ at] gmail[ scatter] com.

Caitlin Kelch is Design* Sponge’s Relationship and Brand Director

Caitlin’s Recommendations: I recommend that all of our books tour parties and places in real life in their community. Or if a nearby town or neighborhood needs some facilitate, go there. Take some time to get offline and in person. Read notebooks, voluntary, call the elderly and your neighbors. The internet will always be there but unhappily some people and situates will not. Share some of you with them.

Where You Can Find Caitlin: I’ll be slinging burgers and nourishing my municipality and beyond and the Town Run Tap House and Community Pub in beautiful Shepherdstown, WV.

Kristina Gill is Design* Sponge’s Food and Drink Editor

Kristina’s Recommendations 😛 TAGEND

I try to keep as broad-minded a inspection of menu manufacture as possible. In addition to the ” mainstream ” menu websites, I follow these to better understand other people who may not be traditionally captured in those places. I regularly hit these( and any related sites they have) up 😛 TAGEND

Shannon Mustipher( @shannonmustipher on IG ). On the forefront of cocktails. Super smart, super versed. Black Food Folks( @blackfoodfolks on IG) to learn about who, where, and what among Black food industry people. Heidi Swanson( www. 101 cookbooks.com) not only her recipes, but her monthly index of what she’s reading, recipes she has liked, etc. Kara Rosenlund( www.kararosenlund.com) Australian photographer — her sort portraits are spectacular; passion her blog. Hetty McKinnon( @hettymckinnon on Instagram) — her food and feed fetching delight each time I see it! Bryant Terry( @bryantterry on Instagram) — My fave vegan; his word and activism proceed much more profound than meat. His commitment to being fully informed of the issues he discusses fixes him likewise a reliable source of information! Equity At The Table( EATT) database and related newsletter( https :// equityatthetable.com /) to which women/ gender non-conforming types are doing in the menu gap( primarily from the POC and the LGBTQ community) and understanding of job opportunities, phenomena, etc. to share with others. Santilla Chingaipe( www.santillachingaipe.com) — Award-winning Australia-based journalist and filmmaker( Zambian immigrant to Australia) who raises a quarterly newsletter. The newsletter recounts occurrences, shows, volumes she has seen/ read, as well as her own projections. It is smart, insightful and thought-provoking. Matt Armendariz( @mattarmendariz on IG )- IG stories for a behind-the-scenes look at photography shoots, to have your questions refuted about different aspects of nutrient photography, to learn about gardening, and for splendid hijinks and unrivaled cuttin’ up. Nicole Taylor( @foodculturist on IG) — Her tales afford a glimpse into the way she munches and her networking in New York. Keep at eye out on her IG feed to experience her in “3D” and after the brand-new year, check in to Thrillist and envision what she’s been up to. Yossy Arefi( @yossyarefi on IG) — for gilded crust. Helen Goh( @helen_goh_bakes on IG ), tart chef — love to see the baking visitations she’s up to mixed with the solace nutrient she is eating. Sami Tamimi (@ sami_tamimi on IG) — lots of home cooking from his native Palestine. Nigel Slater( @nigelslater on IG) — languorou nutrient, soothing advances, sentimental garden-variety. I don’t frequently dream via IG except about owning all the dogs, but Nigel Slater’s is a dream account.

Where You Can Find Kristina: You can find me at @kristinagillfood and I will announce my next steps there — including my newsletter, portfolio updates, etc .!

Kelli Kehler is Design* Sponge’s Ministerial Editor

Kelli’s Recommendations: I resemble altogether what Caitlin said about going out in your community and clearing face-to-face connections, and as far as online resources extend, I am currently enjoying following @badguild, @peopleofcraftsmanship and @david_a_land on Instagram — they’re all championing the fanciful occupation of innovatives of coloring. See who they follow, and jaunt down an IG rabbit hole to get out of your customary cycles/second of the same sort of people reigning situates like Instagram. And READ! Actual books! Every month( or let’s be real, every three months, because I’m a working mommy with two minors) I try to read a book written by someone with another perspective and background than my own. The grade to which this opens my brain exponentially with each new book I finish is immeasurable and profound.

Where You Can Find Kelli: Online, you can find me at @kellikehler on Instagram, and in real world, hop-skip around Orange County, CA. Find me on LinkedIn, more, to collaborate or chat about projects.

Garrett Fleming is Design* Sponge’s Head Interiors Writer

Garrett’s Recommendations: When we head out, Coming Soon will save you up to date on up-and-coming decorators and interior products. Coffeeklatch will satisfy your suggest to get inside the minds of interesting innovative tribes and construe their seats. Check in on This Little Miggy now and then for material around designing for those with disabilities. And Vicki T . and Maegan Blau will also inspire with their concentrates on wheelchair-accessible spaces.

Where You Can Find Garrett: People can follow me on Instagram @ insta__gare

Sofia Tuovinen is a Senior Writer at Design* Sponge

Sofia’s Recommendations:

The Bleu/ www.the-bleu.com James Kicinski-McCoy is the first blogger I ever followed. She recently propelled her latest notion, a media stage announced The Bleu. The site concentrating on maidens, young, age-old, and everything in between — what we have in common, what we can learn from each other. From the inspiring interviews to the latest in fashion and elegance, it’s definitely worth a peek! @bobbyberk/ https :// bobbyberk.com / Bobby Berk from Queer Eye shares some sumptuous design inspiration on his Instagram and has some immense gratuities for decorating on his website as well — and who doesn’t want to take a closer look at the homes he designs for the demonstrate ?! The Maryn/ www.themaryn.com Michelle Adams, the former editor in chief of Domino and cofounder of Lonny, procreated this website as a end for timeless interiors, modern intend, wonderful menu, and carefully sourced goods. It’s a occasion of modern producers and classic esthetics — I ever throw a little sigh when I click through the beautiful content!

Where You Can Find Sofia: You can find Sofia on Instagram @sofia. tuovinen

Lauren Chorpening is a home tour writer at Design* Sponge

Lauren’s Recommendations: Follow the person or persons your parties follow. This is how I approached obtaining new residence tours. Instead of searching aimlessly for brand-new blogs and Instagram chronicles that they are able to head me to unique the house and legends, I went to accounts I enjoyed and looked at the accounts they follow. Finding out who invigorates people who engender me is always a great way to unveil fantastically talented people that would have never come up in a basic hunting. I don’t think there’s another place that will fill in the beautiful space that Grace has created with Design* Rinse, but perhaps by giving away my confidential to unearthing incredible creators, homes and concoctions, you are eligible to impede D* S living in your own way.

People who I’ll is complying with 😛 TAGEND

1. Freddie Harrel — she’s my vogue icon forever and ever. https :// www.instagram.com/ freddieharrel /

2. Sarah Gibson — her renovations blow me apart. www.roomfortuesday.com

3. Kate Arends — her podcast has been so helpful to me lately. https :// witanddelight.com/ podcast

4. Julia Miller — she’s making the coolest house in the Midwest. https :// www.instagram.com/ jmiller_mpls /

5. Alice Gao — her photos stimulate my freelance direct so much better. http :// alicegao.com/ outline

Where to Find Lauren: You can find me at https :// www.instagram.com/ thedayshift_ / and www.dayshiftblog.com. It’s my personal blog where I substantiate our dwelling renovations and freelance succeed. My husband and I are going to keep working on this old, beautiful dwelling and I’m looking at starting a DIY& scheme consulting place bustle with this extra time.

Erin Austen Abbott is a home tour novelist at Design* Sponge

Erin’s Recommendations: The reserves I would suggest to follow are targets that are working hard to make an inclusive situate for all their books. I’m really proud of the cultivate we’ve done at Design* Sponge to[ do the same ]. Challenge the sites you love to be more inclusive and compose your own place for other voices if you can’t find it. Don’t be afraid to speak up for those that we don’t always interpret. A few channels I think are sharing this gap well are Omkari Williams, The Jungalow, and Mother Mag. Don’t place design in a carton. There are so many great design blogs and accounts to follow … ascertain your brand-new favorite by feel one that doesn’t stick to simply one form of interiors.

Where to Follow Erin: You can find me at @erinaustenabbott on Instagram and at ameliapresents.com

Read more: feedproxy.google.com