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Talk about a observance unionized after an achievement or describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement.
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What was the attainment? When it happened? How did you celebrate? How you felt about it?
Sample Answer
Well, in the lifespan of 26 years, I can pridefully say that I’ve been a jack of all trades. So far, I must have celebrated uncountable moments. While I patted my back during some, I clapped for my closest friends and relatives during others.
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One such celebration that I can think of is when I was preparing for my MBBS entrance exam. It was almost 5 years back. I remember this celebration vividly because it was quite an essential phase of “peoples lives”. I had to invest my everything to grab a seat in one of very good medical colleges of the country.
So the day came when my dynamism and fervor were to be tested. I ultimately yielded the exam. Answers were to be announced after a few months. And, I had safely procured a seat in ABC, Bangalore. When I glanced over my orchestrates, “its one” of the contented days of my life.
I couldn’t stop myself from announcing moms and pops. The time I afforded them this news, they only elated. Upon reaching home, my parents had organized a party with all of my immediate relatives and friends.
We celebrated together, ate a great deal of scrumptious saucers that mama did, danced to Bollywood lyrics and confiscated that day in our remembrances. To this day, when I remember that moment, I feel an merger of ecstasy and nervousness. Jitters run down my prickle, concluding I ultimately managed to get my mothers proud.
Vocabulary Jack of all crafts: Being skillful in different things Eg: Being a jack of all trades, I get to save a great deal of fund. Vigour: power or persuasivenes Eg:With senility, the verve and backbone lessen. Ardour warmth Eg: His zeal is met with manifold success. Contented: a feeling of satisfaction Eg: The point should be to live a contented life and be loved by everyone. Elated: joyou Eg:The story of my best friend’s wedding elated me. Scrumptious: savory Eg: We had a scrumptious meal at this diner. Amalgamation: combining Eg:A worthwhile life is an amalgamation of hardwork and significances. Ecstasy: excitement Eg:My euphorium knew no fixeds when I received drapes from my beloved label as a gift. Jitters: a feeling of nervousness Eg:Walking down a narrow-minded corridor in the night sent jitters down my prickle.
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