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Research of the Week
The metabolic and hepatic consequences of a single diversified bout of overeat sucking and fast food eating.
Blocking histamine signaling blocks employ modifications.
People have been shaping the world for at least 12000 years.
Pursue happiness and you may never get it.
Magnesium and vitamin D supplementation improves the mental health of kids with ADHD.
More meat, less dementia.
New Primal Blueprint Podcasts
Episode 485: Zach Schleien: Host Elle Russ chitchats with Zach Schleien about his new speed dating app with particular focus on the keto and paleo communities.
Episode 486: Dr. Brett Hill: Host Brad Kearns schmoozes with Dr. Brett Hill about how to build resilience and is coming from rock bottom.
Health Coach Radio: Erin and Laura chat with Matteo Franceschetti about sleeping like your life depends on it( because it does ).
Media, Schmedia
Regenerative pork production in the UK.
Interesting Blog Posts
” Why I gave up being vegan .”
Social Greenback
The future affairs but don’t focus on it.
Everything Else
Does this exertion? Billions of T-rexes.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
Podcast I experienced: Tim Noakes on ultramarathons and” nutritional genocide .”
Interesting research: Suicides came during the course of its pandemic.
Fantastic concept: Periodic table of food. Love the idea of “dark matter.”
I am not surprised: Whey is more effective than flora or insect protein.
I am not surprised: More inactivity, greater COVID severity.
Question I’m Questioning
Do you pursue happiness? If not, what?
Recipe Corner
These Thai king oyster sprouts are a great side dish to meat. Bison chili( could easily sub beef ).
Time Capsule
One years ago( Apr 17- Apr 23)
When is the Best Time to Eat Carbs ? — Well, when? 6 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut, 7 Likely Causes, and the Best Foods for Gut Health — What’s up with your bowel?
Comment of the Week
“‘ gets a little hesitant revealing beings how much meat they dine .’ Pfffft- not this fella. I’ll deride beings for their ignorance, tell them to stop being a mindless herd animal and why, evolutionarilly (?) speaking: meat+ barrage+ weakened plant grinding muscle necessary( therefore countenancing outward intelligence expansion in the absence of constraining chewing muscles bound to the sagittal tufts) … realise us who we are now .”
-Nice work, Jim.
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The post New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week — Edition 127 emerged first on Mark’s Daily Apple.
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