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Speaking Part 1
– What is your full mention?- Can I see your ID?- Where are you from?- Do you work or study?
Transportation What’s the more popular means of transportation in your hometown?
Without any uncertainty I would say motorbikes. Approximately everyone hastens by motorbike. The reason why motorbike is so favourite I think is due to their tolerable expenditure and gadget. They likewise extremely varied in terms of size, pigment and tone, thus a variety of preferences is available for everyone.
Without any skepticism/ There is no doubt that( expression) a quotation uttering certainty or agreement; yes
A wide various types of( collocation) a number or compas of things of the same general class that is distinct in reference or quality.
How often do you make bus?
Almost every day. Since my house is so far away from my university, it’s inconceivable for me to travel by motorbike. In addition, the air is heavily polluted by exhaust fumes and traffic jams ever come about, especially during peak hours. Thus, I’d prefer to make the bus, to save time, save gasoline and making less pollution.
Exhaust fumes( n) waste gasses or breeze removed from an machine, turbine, or another machine in the course of its operation.
Traffic jam( n) a line or fronts of stationary or very slow-moving traffic, caused by roadworks, an accident, or heavy congestion.
Peak hours/ Rush hours( n) the busiest hours
Do “youd prefer” public transport or private transport?
I think I’d prefer public transport. It’s much more inexpensive and because it can contain a large number of people, it helps ease the intensity of traffic congestion during peak hours and abbreviate the greenhouse gas emissions caused by vehicles. Private transportation is more costly in terms of fees, taxes and gasoline.
Intensity( n) of extreme personnel, position, or strength
Greenhouse gas radiations( np) the emission into the earth’s atmosphere of any of various gases, esp carbon dioxide emissions, that contribute to the greenhouse effect
Mirror Do you often look at yourself in the reflect?
Frankly speaking, I presume it has to be at least once every two hours, which is quite often. I don’t think that’s a big issue since I am a woman and every woman builds great effort to maintain her best appear, especially in public. Furthermore, mirrors are located almost everywhere such as in the restrooms, in a place of work as medals, which is too tempting for me to ignore.
Make great effort to do something: try hard to do something
Tempting( a): something that is tempting is attractive, and makes people want to have it, do it, etc.
Have “youve been” bought a reflect?
A girl couldn’t survive without a respectable pocket mirror which is portable and convenient bring along anywhere. Collecting these small-minded fragments of prowes is one of my pastimes, very. Whenever I am in good feeling, I generally wander around some flea markets to pick up some of these yield, yet exquisite supplementaries for myself or as gifts for friends and family. There are at least ten pocket mirrors in my self-possession which are beautifully designed with different peculiar patterns.
Portable( a): that is easy to carry or to move
Flea market( n): a market, frequently outdoors, selling secondhand goods
In someone’s possession: if something is in someone’s possession, they have it
Do you think mirrors are necessary/ good embroideries?
It’s safe to say inventors and interior designers are fully used of reflects in home structure and embellishing thanks to their inherent characteristics and wide work. Hence, there’s no doubt that reflects are indispensable garnishes in any interpretations. For instance, they can be installed in bathrooms or dressing rooms for personal employ or sometimes, small articles of mirrors are sat randomly in someone’s house or storages as a merely artwork.
Make full implement of: to use something well
Inherent( a): that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/ something and that cannot be removed
Application( n): the practical use of something, peculiarly a thought, breakthrough, etc.
There’s no doubt that: be useful for stressed the importance of something is definitely true
Indispensable( a): too important to be without
Speaking Part 2
Describe a cafe or restaurant you enjoy.
You “re saying” :
Where it is
How often you go there
When you generally go there
Why you like to visit this cafe
Sample Answer
I’m an introvert and not really keen on socializing with others, so I often find a noiseless spot to frequent to every time I’m stressed out from work study. It is the small and cozy cafe within a walking distance from my house.
Unlike other coffee shop in the vicinity of my place, the environment here is extremely tranquil and serene, which immensely lives up to my possibility. As person or persons with heavy sums of daily workload. The coffeehouse gives me a certain degree of peacefulness and calmness, especially during nerve-racking hours like final exams when I am up to ears in assignments.
What leaves the most profound impression on me is the terminated stillnes in the coffeehouse as the patronize proprietor fortunately is not interested in music of any kind, so no background music is expected when you come here. I can increase my absorption cover while reading a book or other materials and finish working in collaboration with immense productivity, is comparable to when I’m at home, surrounded by many frays like babies crying and neighbors disagreeing. One bonus item is that the coffee there is second to none which gratifies to my unique flavours! The foods are really scrumptious, “re giving me” huge refreshing vigour when suffering from fatigue and stress I have to admit.
Introvert( noun) someone who tends to concentrate on their own thoughts and feelings rather than communicating with other people
Frequent( verb) to call or go to( a residence) often
Stressed out( adj) affected by stress
In the vicinity of( word) in the field that is close to
Tranquil( adj) quiet
Serene( adj) calm and peaceful
Live up to one’s expectation( word) to be as good as good as somebody thought something would be
Nerve-racking( adj) shaping you very nervous or worried
Up to ears/ cervix in something( idiom) hectic doing something
Leave/ initiate/ make an impression on person( phrase) to produce a positive memorable gist on someone
Second to none( adj) as good as or better than all others
Scrumptious( adj) very delicious
Fatigue( noun) a feeling of being extremely tired, either physically or mentally
Speaking Part 3 What do aged beings like to eat?
Personally speaking, the elderly are more into vegetables and outcomes rather than meat. As they have grown old, the fiber and vitamins benefits from the uptake of salads, tomatos, bananas and so on are particularly good for their health. By contrast, meat does harm to their digestive organization. It’s likewise worth noting that the older citizens can’t chew thick slice of meat, so they’d very eat fish, which is softer and can be easily digested.
Intake( noun) the amount of a chemical or another element that enters your body
And so on( word) etc;( used instead of mentioning more of a same type of thing that has already been mentioned)
By/ in oppose( term) worked when you are comparing two things or beings and saying that the second largest one is very different from the first
Do harm to somebody/ something( quotation) movement physical or psychological damage or injury
Digestive system( noun) a group of organs taken together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the part body.
How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing any from other countries?
In recent times it hasn’t been that important as it’s been easy enough to import anything that was required. Maybe in the future there will be more emphasis on being independent in terms of food production, as well as other essential riches such as energy and oil, it looks like there are going to be some major changes which could affect everyone in terms of how we look at out ability to survive in the event of another world conflict where nutrient and possibly liquid become scarce.
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