14 Holiday Party Tips

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As one of the top magicians in Los Angeles, I’ve performed at a wide variety of holiday parties. Whether your party is for a large company, a benevolence fundraiser, or an intimate clas mustering, these holiday party gratuities will guarantee a successful night for all.

Joe Skilton’s Holiday Party Tips Send Physical AND Electronic Invites

You’d be surprised how often symbols from friends can accidentally end up in the trash. To make sure everyone gets the invite, transport it twice. First by snail mail, and then a follow-up email 7 days later. Many companies and event planners use Cvent, but for private defendants I recommend evite.com. It’s much easier to use.

Choose Your Venue Early

Hopefully you’ve went this covered once. Top venues are booked months( sometimes over a year) in advance. This is especially true on major festivity weekends like December 12 th and 13 th.

Going Late into the Night? Consider a Food Truck.

Food trucks are ALWAYS a hit with late-night revelers. Homes cherish In-N-Out food trucks. Have a more “sophisticated” crowd? LA has tons of gourmet trucks with high-end furnishes. Here’s 8 of the most wonderful.

In-Office Party? Get Help Decorating.

Put your co-workers to work! They’ll add some creative input, and you’ll save lots of time! This moves for house-parties, more.: -)

Non-Traditional Venue? Hire a Valet Service.

If your party isn’t at a inn or restaurant, and you have more than 50 patrons, look into valet corporations. I’ve never met a woman who loves a long walk to the car at midnight in high-heels.

No Valet? Email Guests with Parking Info.

Let your guests know the best targets to park. If you’re having a party in your residence, remember to block up some cavity in your driveway for any incapacitated clients. FYI: Driveway space is especially needed if you have any catering. Speaking of catering…

Pick Your Caterer Wisely

Hotels and Country club render their own catering. For other venues, choose your caterer wisely. Ask friends for recommendations and referrals. Or better hitherto, ask your event planner. Speaking of…

When Hiring an Event Planner Makes Sense

Some venues add their own event coordinators. But for big happens, it often performs appreciation to hire an experienced event planner. Do you find that you don’t know the answers to venue coordinator questions? Not sure what “theme” to have this year? Is the planning taking too much of your time? Maybe a planner is the right choice for your contest.

A Word About Event Planners …

Yes … an occasion planner costs money. But a great event planner can save you fund, day and anxiety, and work to reduce vendor and venue costs. Plus, they can use their thorough insight to shape your party more, fun, luscious, and memorable for everyone.

Choose Appropriate Music

Not everybody loves rap, country, or indie stone. Choose a DJ or clique with an thorough catalogue of favourite touches. Only having a small party in your home? Hook up your sound system to Pandora, Slacker, or iTunes Radio. These business all have Holiday-themed and Top-4 0 directs you can listen to. Best of all … they’re free.

Don’t Assume Everyone Knows the Dress Code

If you require your guests to dress up, said about so! Send email remembers 1 week as well as one day in advance.

Book Entertainment ASAP

World-class entertainment can constitute your phenomenon more memorable and entertaining for everyone there. Unlike a large catering company, entertainers CAN’T be two places at once, so book your amusement as far in advance as possible.

Choose Appropriate Entertainment

Choose entertainment that requests to a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Hiring a acclaimed comedian? Pick one who works “clean.” Playing board games at home? Avoid Cards Against Humanity.

One reason magic is so popular at celebration defendants is its universal request. Everyone compassions occult from an experienced professional magician.

Finally… Arrange a Designated Driver

Always have a plan in case someone has too much eggnog. You’ll be the protagonist of the party, and they’ll thank you later.

14 Holiday Party Tips originated on “No Rabbit’s Required” – A Magician’s Blog by Los Angeles Magician Joe Skilton and was not possible to republished without permission.

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